
Step-by-Step Guide To Passing Exams without Tears


Any man that wakes up and become successful is not really sleeping.!!" Any success you see around is consciously planned for. Passing Exams without tears, is it really possible? You ask, I say yes and yes bec
ause with man it’s not possible but with God all things are possible and to him that believe that it’s possible.
There is a lot of stories here and there of students failing in their exams at all level,common entrance, Junior WAEC, SSCE, JAMB and even undergraduate. What’s the remedy to this situation of failure and secure lasting success? Let me hereby lay the foundation to any lasting success in life. This is applicable to any level of success in life. The under listed are the point to achieve lasting success: STEPS TO ACHIEVING LASTING SUCCESS. 1. Determine your purpose in life. Life delivers anything you demand from it. So write down what you want from life, what does God created you to come and achieve in the world. You can get this by looking into Gods eyes. 2. Set your goals and objective right. Set SMART goals for your academics S- Simple goals M- Measurable (this is in terms of realistic goal e.g. how many A, B, C, P, or F-s do you want to have in your Exams and in each subjects or courses). A- Available to you now. R- Realistic goal. This is what is achievable to your level now. Don’t say I want buy a jeep now when you have not started working. T- Set time conscious goal. For example what you want to achieve in a calendar year. E.g. one semester, term, one year etc. 3. Visualize it every day. Write down your goals and visualize every morning and before you go to bed every day. You can paste it where you can see it e.g. your mirror side, bed side, in your bible, or any you can see it every day. 4. Total dependent on God’s ability. You need a higher power to help you to succeed in life. Depend on His ability. Through prayer. And total surrendering your life to Him. This is the most important aspect of success because you can not have anything without Him giving it to you. Deter 1: 8 5. Be success conscious every moment. Always carry superior success mentality of you can not fail. 6. Keep the right company. The company you keep in life determine the level of your success in life. He that works with the wise shall be wise but the companion of the fools shall be destroyed. Your friends must be God fearing people, serious academically, not people that always discuss about boy or girl friends etc. 7. Preparation! Preparation!! Preparation!!! Preparation is another important aspect of success. If you don’t prepare you will fail. So take this very important. I hope you gained something today, so check here next time as I discuss on the part two of this write-up. Study and passing Exams Without Tears. please leave a comment at the end of this post. thanks Stay Bless God you. See you at the top.

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